How to get your kids to stop asking to sleep in your bed

The following story is sponsored by K-Y as always, the opinions and ideas are my own. This is a true story based on actual events that happened in my house. The names have NOT been changed, I own every part. I’m not one to shy away from sharing the real real on life around here. Raising four daughters, I’m trying … Continue reading
7 Packing Tips From An Airline Baggage Agent

I’ve been doing travel ALL WRONG! And you probably have too. I recently came to an epiphany and realized quickly that I’ve been packing wrong my whole life. Here are 7 packing tips from an airline baggage agent that will change how you travel. Do NOT over pack. Just because an airline has a maximum weight limit per bag doesn’t … Continue reading
7 things I learned having Facial Fillers for the first time

While this experience is presented in partnership with Allergan, ALL opinions are always my own. Special thanks to Dr. Arlette and the staff at Total Skincare Centre. I know you’ve been waiting for the big reveal! It’s been 10 weeks since I started this journey with facial fillers and 5 weeks since I completed phase 2 of my treatments. It’s … Continue reading
Tiff Tries Facial Fillers (video)

As promised, I have a video on my YouTube channel documenting my journey with facial fillers for the first time. It’s been an experience to say the least. Have you ever been curious about getting facial fillers? Are you nervous? You can read my first post from this 3 part series where I talk about Starting to Say YES to … Continue reading
Starting To Say Yes To Me

While this experience is sponsored by Allergan, all opinions are always my own. Special thanks to Dr. Arlette and the staff at Total Skincare Centre. Something recently changed for me. Besides the fact that I turned 40, ahem, and then I turned 41, ahem, something has shifted in me. I feel like in my 20’s I said yes to friends. … Continue reading
Going Back To Work After 15 Years At Home

You guys! I have something to tell you and I’m really excited about it. I got a muther effing job! That’s right, I’m going back to work after 15 years at home. But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean I’m leaving you or my blog. I’ll still be here sharing my stories, recipes and adventures. It’s been a long time coming … Continue reading
How I Won A Trip To Tahiti

I’ve never thought of myself as being a ‘lucky’ person but perhaps I am. When I tell people that I went to Tahiti, the first thing people say is, “ooooohhhhh”. When I tell them I won the trip they say, “HOW?” So, I figure I should probably tell the story here. This is how I won a trip to Tahiti. … Continue reading
Make It Calgary Holiday Market Moves To Deerfoot City

Since 2008, Make It has grown to be one of the largest handmade marketplaces in Canada with bi-annual events in Edmonton, Vancouver and Calgary. Each year, over 900 Makies participate in the shows and in 2017 over 100,000 shoppers came out to support them. This year is very exciting as Make It Calgary holiday market moves to Deerfoot City and … Continue reading
The First Time A Man Assaulted Me

I’ve spent recent days and weeks listening to pod casts and news stories about the confirmation of a potential supreme court judge in the USA. I am sitting at my desk streaming the live testimony of both Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who accused him of sexual assault, Christine Ford. While all this is going on social media is … Continue reading