My Dirt
whipped shortbread

11 Things People Ask Me About Tattoos

I have (quite) a few tattoos and with a lot of them visible I also get a LOT of questions as well as a lot of comments. I’m a nice gal so I really don’t mind answering them but really, how many times can a person be asked, “does it hurt?” So I decided to put together a list of 11 things people ask me about tattoos…maybe I should have them tattooed to my forehead so people will stop asking me? Yeah, maybe not.


just keep swimming


1) Does it hurt? Yes. Tattoos hurt. Different than childbirth and less than having a fingernail pulled off with pliers. Suck it up. Just like childbirth, it hurts for a little while but the tattoo is forever and a lot quieter than a baby.

2) Where does it hurt the most? The most painful place to get a tattoo are the chest plate (that bone in middle of your chest), ribs and that flabby inside part of the bicep.

3) I want a tattoo but just a little one. If you think getting an itty bitty microscopic sized tattoo to “ease” your way into ink is a good idea, STOP IT! That tiny tattoo of a butterfly will look like a blue misshapen mole in a year. Don’t waste your time and money.

4) Are tattoos expensive? You get what you pay for. If you’re calling around to different tattoo shops to see which one has the best price then don’t be surprised when you have to have it lasered off or covered up because it faded or blurred. Check out different shops and look thru all the photos for their artists. A good artist will cost more but you’ll only pay for it once!


LIVE tattoo


5) It takes so long to get an appointment. Patience is a virtue. If you find an artist you like but their wait list is 12 months long then he/she’s probably well worth the wait. I’ve waited 8 months for a tattoo artist to find a spot for me and for the quality of work, it was worth the wait. Keep in mind, somethings require an artist with a specialty. If you want a full back piece or a black and grey portrait, wait it out. If your design is script or something more common like hearts, butterflies or kanji then find a good quality artist with more availability. Chances are an artist with a long wait list won’t be interested in simple, common work anyway, they are sought out for their specific niche.

6) What should I get? The ‘perfect’ design doesn’t exist! I hear it all the time, “I just can’t find that one perfect thing that I want on my body for the rest of my life.” Come on. That’s just an excuse people say because they really don’t want to get a tattoo. I have tattoos that I LOVE and some that I like and some have meaning and some are just purty but none that I regret. Just pick something and commit.

7) I want to get a moustache on my finger.  Get as many tattoos as you want but don’t put em on your face, hands or front/sides of your neck unless you’re planning to report to prison for a lengthy jail sentence (true story) or you work in a tattooing career.

8) I can’t get a tattoo, they’re not allowed at my work. %&$# your office and your boss! If you want a tattoo on your wrist or arm or ankle, get it. You’ll have that tattoo longer than you’ll have that job and if your boss thinks less of you for having a tattoo, start wearing low cut blouses and a push up bra. He’ll forget about your ink, I promise.


getting a tattoo


9) How do you keep your tattoos looking so good? Take care of your tattoos. This is just good skin practice. Stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen, moisturize and go back to your tattoo artist for a touch up if needed. Most places should offer free touch ups!

10) I want to get my boyfriends name tattooed on me. Names and portraits should be reserved for your children or parents or even your beloved pet. Friends and boyfriends run a higher risk of being less permanent than your new tattoo.

11) I’ll just get a tattoo in a place no one will ever see it. Be proud of your ink. It is now a part of what makes you sexy, show it off. Unless it’s on your butt cheek.

Did I miss anything? Still have more questions? Leave a comment and let me know.

Remember, Life is too short for bad tattoos!


  1. Now that I have read your post about your mother… the one picture is all the more touching.
    Magnolia Ripkin recently posted..Your Communication Style – A Guide for the ChallengedMy Profile

    • Tiffany says:

      Thank you Magnolia. I’ve been carrying around that photo of my mom for so many years and I wanted to get it done on the 20th anniversary of her passing. It took me a few years to get in with a worthy artist. I’m beyond proud of it.

  2. Lisa says:

    Are you ever too old to get your first tattoo? And given aging skin tends to “droop” a little (or maybe a lot) more than younger skin, where’s the best and safest place to get it so you don’t look like an old person trying to relive a lost youth!!! Just asking… know, in case I might some day want to.

    • Tiffany says:

      NEVER! You’re never too old to get a first tattoo. I think you’d be great with a tattoo on your wrist or the back of your neck or on your shoulder! I know you want to do it. Come on! Let’s do it!

  3. David Ryan says:

    I got a tattoo on my back and I make sure to show it off every once in a while.
    David Ryan recently posted..thecalculatr.comMy Profile

  4. Ben says:

    Hi Tiffany, I was just wondering if it is possible to tattoo on a flabby chest, I mean it’s not that fat but I could do with losing some fat around that area, as I am worried if I get a tattoo on my chest it won’t look any good. Thank you.

    • ruckus says:

      Hi Ben, Thanks for the comment. As I am not a professional tattoo artist I can’t really offer you an answer to your question. I would suggest talking with a local artist in your area and asking their opinion. In the end its your body, tattoo what ever, where ever you want. Good luck.

  5. Scott says:

    Hi, thanks for the story! Normally people get the same old tattoos everyday, picking them from a catalogue without knowing anything about meaning. What do you think about custom made tattoos? Thanks

  6. That’s good to know that the chest will be one of the most painful places to get a tattoo. I am considering getting one, but I want to make it less painful. I’ll have to avoid areas like that if I do decide to get one so that I can get used to it if I want to get multiple.

  7. german says:

    Tattoos are one of the best things I really do like. I have been finding it difficult to get tattoos for myself. I am currently on a research of the best tattoos in the world so this got me to your blog. I do love the relevant details you have here. thanks a lot and please get information from my blog too.

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