Packing Tips For Blissdom
I have exactly 3 days until I need to get on a plane to Mississauga via Toronto for my second annual Blissdom Canada conference. Am I thrilled? YES. Am I packed? NO! This is so not like me. I’m a planner. I’m a list person. I’m totally not prepared. So this is what’s happening today. I’m picking and packing outfits … Continue reading
I heart New York
I’ve been to the west coast and Los Angeles a lot over the years and I always thought of myself as more of a beaches and sun type of person but apparently, after winning the most amazing trip to New York city courtesy of Blissdom Canada and Rent Frock Repeat, I just might be an east coast gal after all. … Continue reading
CentsAbility 30 Day Challenge
How come none of you told me that having 4 kids was gonna to be so expensive? We’re bleeding green over here and never mind Christmas people, fall is the worst! Back to school supplies, back to school clothes, re-stocking the pantry with all the necessities for daily lunches, school fees, bus fees, music classes, hockey equipment, horseback riding lessons, my … Continue reading
Back To School

It’s been 14 school days and I just want to tell you all how AMAZING it is to finally have 4 kids in full day school. No, not just amazing, I mean ah-maze-ing! This is the culmination of more than 11 years of work. 11 years of having babies, driving babies to baby gym, meeting moms for play dates, nap times, … Continue reading
New York Fashion Week
Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming. I’ve had THE most amazing week and to be honest, I keep thinking it was a dream because it came and went in such a flurry of excitement that I’m still spinning from it. To sum it all up, I went to New York Fashion Week! Me. Yes, the gal who loves fashion … Continue reading