Happy New Year

What a crazy, insane year 2014 was. I had a look back and found that despite the roller coaster climax right to the end, the year was filled with fun, love and adventure and a whole lot of saying, yes, more. I am really excited for 2015 and all the possibilities that will come from all the amazing ground work … Continue reading
My Best Life Advice
I am still in shock. What a crazy ride I’ve been on for the past few months, my emotions are all over the map and I’m finding it very difficult to fully accept the news that I am, indeed, cancer free. When I decided to open up my life and my feelings and go public with, what we … Continue reading
The Results Are In
Nothing is more terrifying that knowing that the results are in. It’s the longest drive to the hospital. It’s the longest walk down the hallway and the longest wait in the waiting room. Diagnosis. Right neck node; Biopsy: – Reactive follicular hyperplasia – NO definitive morphological evidence of involvement by nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma Translation: No muther-effing cancer! … Continue reading