Cutting The Cord
I think we’re ready. I think it’s time. It’s been years in the making. I’ve been weaning off little by little and I find that I don’t miss it when I don’t use it. I don’t crave it. I don’t desire it. I don’t need it. I’m cutting the cord…to my cable. Now is the perfect time to do it … Continue reading
A Tea Party For Me?

I know I’ve said it before but I feel like it needs to be said again, I have the best, most supportive group of friends, hands down. I have felt more love in the past few months with messages, texts, visits, prayers, positive energy, hugs, rides, flowers, meals, gifts of kindness, gifts of being present, shoulders and tissues and finally … Continue reading
7 Stages of Moving

Wow, what a turn around 2015 has already been for me and my family. I can’t even believe it myself to be honest. First off we can all agree that while 2014 did yield a positive outcome, it was nothing but a big fat mess right up until the bitter end. I’m so excited to be leaving behind the stress … Continue reading