Take Family Movie Night To The Next Level

There’s no question, as my kids get older, I get more and more excited to share classics and favourites from my childhood with them. My friends at Netflix sent me this amazing box for the premiere and revival of Pee-Wee Herman in his latest adventure. I remember as a kid I would set the VCR to record Pee-Wee’s Playhouse on … Continue reading
Tips For Conquering Universal Studios Hollywood In One Day

Who says you can’t take 4 kids on an epic day trip lasting 16 hours and still have everyone come out alive? Not this gal. When the stars align, you can’t fight it, you just can’t. We booked our trip for spring break in Palm Springs, California, not knowing that a ‘short’ 2 hour drive (depending on traffic) would bring … Continue reading
Kimmy For Two Giveaway

5 more days you guys! Only 5 more days until we can all binge watch all things Kimmy. April 15th is Season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and in celebration of this exciting day, I’ve got a Kimmy for two giveaway for you and a friend. I was lucky enough to spend 5 days with my best friend in … Continue reading
Netflix And The City

Divorce is hard. Or so I’m learning as my best friend navigates the path of division from her husband and high school sweetheart. To be honest, I don’t know what to say to her half the time, so I just constantly tell her that she’s doing the right thing and I’m here for anything she needs. I guess neither … Continue reading
New York Is Never The Same Trip Twice

What an amazing week! I just got back from New York City with my best friend of 23 years as a guest of Netflix for a special event surrounding The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. We decided to take full advantage of the opportunity and extended our trip ahead of the actual event with Netflix, so we could explore the city and … Continue reading