5 Reasons Stranger Things Is The Best New Show On Netflix

I admit, I didn’t see any pre-promotion for Stranger Things season 1 on Netflix at. Nothing on Twitter, nothing on Facebook. And then all of a sudden, EVERYONE was talking about it. I was very hesitant because I’ve long since grown out of the ability to watch scary things mostly because I can’t stand the anxious anticipation of something that … Continue reading
Tiff Tries Removing Soap Scum With 2 Ingredients

You know when you see those viral posts on Facebook or pins on Pinterest with thousands of re-pins promising no less than a miracle if you follow the process, recipe or hack? Yeah, I’ve seen them too and every time I see them I say, “I wonder if that actually works or if it’s just a click scam?” I was … Continue reading
My Pizza Creation For YYC Pizza Week

This has to be my favourite week of the year, with the exception of my birthday week, of course. What? Doesn’t everyone get a whole week for their birthday? Any-who, in it’s 3rd year, #YYCPizzaWeek runs from September 23-October 2 with almost 50 destinations participating. Each restaurant has created a one of a kind, limited release pizza for diners to order … Continue reading