5 Shows On Netflix That Will Make You Want To Travel

No, I don’t mean travel shows. We ALL love watching travel shows were some young hipster effortlessly strolls thru a market place in Thailand, pointing out how amazing the shopping is. Lately, I’ve been finding myself watching shows on Netflix where the locations and the background are just as interesting as the storylines. Beautiful cliffs, white sand beaches, ancient castles. All these … Continue reading
6 Reasons To Love Date Night IN

disclosure: from time to time I get to partner with an awesome brand and while Dr.Oetker is sponsoring me, all opinions and ideas are my own. When was the last time you were alone with your husband? Like really alone, for some one-on-one time. I can’t remember either. I feel like lately we’re on different schedules. The kids have been … Continue reading
Fundraising Update For Tanzania

It’s been a couple of months since Brigette came home to announce her intentions of going to Tanzania this summer (2017). She’s had a lot of love and support from family and friends and our wonderful community and I wanted to give you a fundraising update for Tanzania and her ME to WE trip.The first fundraising campaign we did was … Continue reading