Currently browsing: Daily Dirt
Remember The 90’s? Newstalgia with Netflix

Wait, there’s no way the 90’s was that long ago! Didn’t I just graduate high school? Oh that’s right, it was 20 years ago! TWENTY! Ok, think back to the 90’s and how awesome things where. The music, the fashion, the lack of cell phone technology to document the proof of said fashions. It was when I was finishing high … Continue reading
What PTSD Looks Like

Today my PTSD took hold and quaked me to my core. Today my family got a real, honest example of what PTSD looks like. It happened so fast that I couldn’t control it yet everything happened in slow motion. I could no longer control the feelings, I could no longer control my surroundings, I could no longer control my … Continue reading
Survival Kit – Talking to my tweens about periods

I feel like I’m on a roller coaster slowly trudging up the first steep hill in a rickety little, one person car. It’s scary going up that hill. I don’t know what the top will be like or how long the ride will last or whether I’ll be terrified and close my eyes the whole time or if … Continue reading
Tattoo Tuesday- Happy Birthday To Me

Hey, it’s tattoo tuesday – Happy Birthday to me! Today is my 38th birthday. Gulp. I am 2 very short years away from the big 4-Oh and plan on enjoying every second. I don’t dread turning 40, in fact, I welcome it. I’ve been loving the happiness I get from my blog and the people I’ve met since starting it. … Continue reading
Dear Mom – You Did A Great Job

My mother passed away when I was 13 years old. It wasn’t sudden. She knew that she would not live to see me graduate high school or get married. My mother had been sick for most of my life and a single parent to my little brother and me. Now that I am a mother and I am 1 year … Continue reading
I Am A Liar

I am a liar. That is probably the most truth you’ll read in this entire post. It’s shocking to me how many times in a day I’ll tell myself a little lie just to get me thru the day. It’s a bit of an addiction at this point. I decided to write some of them down and confess them to … Continue reading