Currently browsing: Daily Dirt
Back To School

It’s been 14 school days and I just want to tell you all how AMAZING it is to finally have 4 kids in full day school. No, not just amazing, I mean ah-maze-ing! This is the culmination of more than 11 years of work. 11 years of having babies, driving babies to baby gym, meeting moms for play dates, nap times, … Continue reading
New York Fashion Week
Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming. I’ve had THE most amazing week and to be honest, I keep thinking it was a dream because it came and went in such a flurry of excitement that I’m still spinning from it. To sum it all up, I went to New York Fashion Week! Me. Yes, the gal who loves fashion … Continue reading
Dog Days Of Summer
Less than a week to go before school starts. Where has the time gone? Summer has been filled with camping trips to the lake, long nights laughing with friends, lazy mornings sleeping till 9am, swim camps, bike riding, rock collecting, horse stables, ice cream, s’mores, fireworks and BBQ’s. So why not end the dog days of summer housebound with a … Continue reading
This Is Bliss
Have you ever thought about exactly what it is that makes you happy in your life? I’m not just talking about your shoes and the $10 coffees and the logo stamped on the inside of your purse. I’m talking about the kind of stuff that fills your soul and makes you smile or even laugh when you roll around in … Continue reading
Summer Art Party
Mommmmmm, I’m bored. mom, Mom, MOm, MOM! Can you play with me? Mom, lets go to the mall. Mom, can you take us for ice cream? Mom, we want to go to the movies. Hey mom, why are you locked in your room alone? Are you crying? Yup, it’s 6 weeks into summer break and I’m looking for my … Continue reading
Tattoo Tuesday: San Francisco
What do you do when a friend sends you a message and says, “hey, lets get tattooed while we’re in San Francisco for 24 hours?!” well, you do it, of course. One of my absolute favourite things to do while traveling is to get a tattoo souvenir and so in all honesty, it didn’t take much convincing to get me … Continue reading
Site Seeing In San Francisco #MandalaMoms
Being the totally spontaneous traveler that I am (NOT) I got roped in to adding a 24 hour hit and run blitz of San Francisco the day before I was due to check in for BlogHer ’14 in San Jose. Fun? Yes. Crazy busy? Yes indeed! Here’s how 4 gals on the fly had a fantastic, spontaneous day of site … Continue reading
Fog Harbor Fish House San Francisco
Lets EAT! San Francisco is a foodie town. There are restaurants everywhere and it can be extremely hard to pick. We wandered down to the famous Pier 39 at Fisherman’s Wharf for some more shopping. The pier is a tourist hot spot with views of the bay, shops, vendors, buskers, street art and of course food. The 4 of us … Continue reading
Roasting Marshmallows
Some of my best memories are sitting around a fire pit or camp fire talking with my friends. We would share tales of the tall and personal variety and of course the ever popular ghost stories. There’s something about being outdoors with nothing but your camping chair and your marshmallow skewer to protect you, listening to scary stories that make … Continue reading
Dear Stella
Dear Stella, Today is your 9th birthday. Every year I think about how you came into this world on a summer day after 6 hours of labour and a doctor telling me, with the most unapologetic face, that it was too late to get an epidural. That also happens to be the moment your dad will forever describe as when mommy … Continue reading