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Life Is Good #87

My favourite time of day. Sun is going down. Kids burning off the last of their energy and the daylight. Aloha XO
Life Is Good #88
School is officially out! I celebrated the last day of school by spending it doing all things for ME! And it was glorious. It started with relaxing pedicures with a friend on her birthday! Happy Birthday Mandy! Followed by cupcakes and coffee. Then home to greet, feed, movie and tuck in the kids. Hair up in a bun. Popcorn … Continue reading
Life Is Good #89
6. Is it possible that my babies are 6? Why yes it is and life is good! I took their 6 year old birthday pics beside a window in our kitchen using my Nikon 1-J2 with a 10-30 lens. PS, I will NOT be purchasing the cash-grabbing-kindergarten-graduation-pictures.
Zoo Lights
Right now. This. I love the age my kids are right now. 10, 8, 5, 5. They travel well and the older ones are old enough to help us with the younger ones. This family picture, although a little blurry, is a perfect representation of this time in our lives. Life is going by so fast that most of my … Continue reading
Flash Back Friday
6 years ago around this time I found out I was pregnant with twins…at 18 weeks! Yikes. This picture was taken at 27 weeks, I delivered them a mere 3 weeks later. Imagine how big I would have been if I’d gone to term? I loved being pregnant every time and despite the hardships we endured during … Continue reading
Flash Back Friday
One of our earlier attempts at a family Christmas card picture. Only 2 kids. Oh the ignorant bliss we were in back then.
Life Is Good #90
I took the long way home and I’m glad I did. I stopped on the side of the road to visit with her and 3 of her friends. –
Life Is Good #91
After 12 years with you all I can say is, I love you more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow. Happy anniversary love. –
Life Is Good #92
Every year on her birthday, Nana requests a photo with all her beloved grand-babies. This year we added our second boy to the family. Welcome baby Carter Alexander! Lucky #7 to Nana’s treasures. –
Life Is Good #93
I could sit and watch jelly fish all day long. It’s soothing and serene and dance like. I love it. If you’re in Vancouver be sure to check out the Vancouver Aquarium and their extensive jelly fish exhibit on now.