Currently browsing: Dirt Cheap
Ready For Winter?
What do you do when someone asks you to try out winter tires when there’s no snow on the ground outside? You take the cars inside. Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the beautiful city of Denver, Colorado to get ready for winter driving with Bridgestone Tires and Tire Rack to learn about what it really means to … Continue reading
CentsAbility Update
Here I am, half way (ummm, maybe a little more than half way) thru my #CentsAbility month. It’s time for a CentsAbility update. When I started the CentsAbility challenge 2 weeks ago, I talked about saving money by making and baking snacks for my kids lunches rather than buying expensive pre-packaged treats. I am happy to report that … Continue reading
Getting To Know My Kids
Ever had one of those conversations with your kids that goes something like this? mom: Hi love, did you have a good day at school today? kid: yup. mom: What did you do at school? kid: nothin’. mom: That’s impossible, you can’t spend the entire day at school and do nothing. How was school today? kid: good. mom: okay, but … Continue reading
CentsAbility 30 Day Challenge
How come none of you told me that having 4 kids was gonna to be so expensive? We’re bleeding green over here and never mind Christmas people, fall is the worst! Back to school supplies, back to school clothes, re-stocking the pantry with all the necessities for daily lunches, school fees, bus fees, music classes, hockey equipment, horseback riding lessons, my … Continue reading
Summer Art Party
Mommmmmm, I’m bored. mom, Mom, MOm, MOM! Can you play with me? Mom, lets go to the mall. Mom, can you take us for ice cream? Mom, we want to go to the movies. Hey mom, why are you locked in your room alone? Are you crying? Yup, it’s 6 weeks into summer break and I’m looking for my … Continue reading
Science Summer #Giveaway
I’m finding more and more parents are looking for specialized educations for their kids. It’s not just about picking a school because of it’s close proximity and convenience anymore. Art schools, sports schools, spanish language schools, french language schools, even science schools! It’s pretty cool really, that we have the option to help our kids learn in a way that … Continue reading
Gluten Free Summer Camp Giveaway
March! Can you believe that March is when all the summer camps start opening up for registration? I had to get online before dawn to make sure I had a spot for the swim camp my kids love going to every year. PHEW! There’s nothing better than getting the kids up bright and early on a gorgeous summer day and … Continue reading
Minted Walls
I don’t have walls. Wait, what? Ok, well, yes, I do have walls, I live in walls, of course. But they’re not my walls. I’ve talked before about how we sold our home that we lived in for 10 years in the hopes for new horizons and how living in a rental house is tough because although there’s no rule … Continue reading
Things to do in Calgary on Family Day

On Monday, in Alberta, it’s the annual Family Day holiday. First celebrated in 1990, it is a day set aside for families to focus on spending time together and it’s not a bad idea to have a break between New Years and Easter! We decided to hit the road and head west for our family day holiday. 4 kids in … Continue reading
Craft and Cook Book Giveaway
I. Am. Not. Crafty. Despite what my Pinterest boards may suggest. Let’s face it, Pinterest is a fantasy world where I can sew dresses for my kids using vintage fabrics, I can knit myself a Katniss cowl, I can bake a 6 layer meyer lemon cake that I will serve after my 4 course traditional Indian dinner complete with naan … Continue reading