Currently browsing: my travels
Easy Recipe For A Weekend In Radium BC

I’m on my phone and my computer all-day-long. I’m sending tweets, I’m liking things on Facebook, I’m snapping things to my snap story and I’m broadcasting live to my Periscope account but none of that is as important as spending time with friends in the living breathing flesh. I recently had an amazing staycation weekend away with some … Continue reading
My 48 Hours In Los Angeles

Last week I got to go to LA with my friend, Kyla but the catch was that I was on the ground for exactly 48 hours. What can you do in LA with so little time? As it turns out, a whole lot. We stayed in an area of LA called Culver City. It’s a great community driving distance to … Continue reading
5 Tips For Camping With Tweens

We seem to have suddenly found ourselves smack dab in the middle of tween-ville with a 12 year old and now a 10 year old. Gone are the days where a bucket full of dolls and toys was enough to keep them busy indoors or out; we’re now challenged with letting our 2 older daughters stretch their legs … Continue reading
I heart New York
I’ve been to the west coast and Los Angeles a lot over the years and I always thought of myself as more of a beaches and sun type of person but apparently, after winning the most amazing trip to New York city courtesy of Blissdom Canada and Rent Frock Repeat, I just might be an east coast gal after all. … Continue reading
New York Fashion Week
Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming. I’ve had THE most amazing week and to be honest, I keep thinking it was a dream because it came and went in such a flurry of excitement that I’m still spinning from it. To sum it all up, I went to New York Fashion Week! Me. Yes, the gal who loves fashion … Continue reading
Site Seeing In San Francisco #MandalaMoms
Being the totally spontaneous traveler that I am (NOT) I got roped in to adding a 24 hour hit and run blitz of San Francisco the day before I was due to check in for BlogHer ’14 in San Jose. Fun? Yes. Crazy busy? Yes indeed! Here’s how 4 gals on the fly had a fantastic, spontaneous day of site … Continue reading
Fog Harbor Fish House San Francisco
Lets EAT! San Francisco is a foodie town. There are restaurants everywhere and it can be extremely hard to pick. We wandered down to the famous Pier 39 at Fisherman’s Wharf for some more shopping. The pier is a tourist hot spot with views of the bay, shops, vendors, buskers, street art and of course food. The 4 of us … Continue reading
Spontaneity in San Fran
I am a type A. We can all agree on that. I function best from lists and organization and the ability to see what’s coming at me. So when I was asked to change my plans to add on a spontaneous night in San Fran and NOT have a hotel booked before I got on the plane, I felt … Continue reading
Things to do in Calgary on Family Day

On Monday, in Alberta, it’s the annual Family Day holiday. First celebrated in 1990, it is a day set aside for families to focus on spending time together and it’s not a bad idea to have a break between New Years and Easter! We decided to hit the road and head west for our family day holiday. 4 kids in … Continue reading
Geocaching In YYC
This past weekend was not only Father’s Day but it was also daddy’s birthday. No pressure, right? Well thankfully for me, he’s easy to please. Unlike me on Mother’s Day who dreams of a quiet spa and alone time to bask in the peace and quiet, daddy just wants to spend a fun day with his family with as … Continue reading