My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Cherry Pickin’ Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up To Be!

I had this romantic family image in my mind that being in wine/fruit country we should embark as a family to an orchard to pick fresh fruit. Picture it, 4 cute little girls in flowy cotton dresses and sun hats wandering between the rows of fruit trees with their silver pails. Giggling and nibbling on ripe cherries and peaches as the sun trickles thru the fruit impregnated branches. Easily a first prize in a photo contest.
But in reality it was so hot you could barely breath. Most of the cherry trees were bare from harvest or over ripe for this time of year and the cherries that weren’t over ripe were rotting on the ground attracting wasps. Almost immediately one of the twins starts doing the pee-pee dance and as we walk thru the rows of trees with rotting fruit in the stifling heat we were swarmed by angry, hungry mosquitos. The 4 cute little girls were now crying, complaining, itchy girls running for the walkway out.
When I returned our silver pails to the weigh station we had a total of 1 pear and 1 cherry.
We drove to the nearest fruit stand (Golden Mile Fruit Market) and bought $40 worth of fresh orchard picked fruit and home-made jams made by Pam herself.
We agreed that we shall never speak of the time mommy had the idea to pick fruit in an orchard.


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