My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Christmas Break?

In November I drag my butt thru the days as they get longer and longer. All the after-school activities are in full swing and school is in a good rhythm. But by the time December rolls around and the high shopping season starts and the lists get longer and the weather gets colder and the sun gets shorter, well, lets just say that I get a bit lot crazier. My temper gets frayed and I feel constantly exhausted by the hustle of daily life until I can see it in the distance like a ray of August sunshine on your wet lake skin from a summer dip…

The Christmas break!

Every year I look forward to that break. I crave mornings to sleep in past my alarm, hell, what alarm? I want lazy days of going for a run on the treadmill and watching an afternoon movie. I get excited that I don’t have to rush off to music lessons or swimming class for 2 whole weeks. No homework. No schedules. No commitments.

(everybody now) aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

Wait! What am I thinking? It’s the first Monday of the 2 week Christmas break and I already want to send them back to school. They’re noisy. They’re bored. They’re hyper. They’re fighting. They’re running around like insane pre-Christmas monkeys!

OMG, I have 13 more days of this!

I think the only people who really benefit from Christmas break are teachers and really, they totally deserve it if this is what kids are like to deal with every-single-day-all-day-long.

To all the teachers out there, Merry Christmas and Thank You for putting up with our kids the other 40 weeks of the year, I don’t know how you do it.

Enjoy your break! Someone should 😉


Disclaimer: this post contains a heavy use of sarcasm, I love having my kids at home over the break, especially the 10-12 hours a day when they’re sleeping.



  1. Ken Atodahl says:

    Parenting, right? I had the same problem at home. Phew!
    Ken Atodahl recently posted..Additional ReadingMy Profile

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