How My Daughter Met Superwoman Lilly Singh
Remember how obsessed you were over your teen idol? I was obsessed with Debbie Gibson, Michael Jackson, New Kids On The Block and of course, Alyssa Milano. Don’t you judge me. You know you loved her too. I would have given ANYTHING to meet one of them or even be in the same room with them, not counting the 30,000 screaming girls that I joined to see NKOTB in concert. In 2017, teen idols come from a different medium. They aren’t necessarily on TV or on the radio. My daughter, for instance, is obsessed with a YouTube star. This is how my daughter met Superwoman Lilly Singh.As of May 2017, Lilly Singh has 11,494,000 subscribers on her main YouTube channel and another 1,963,998 subscribers on her vlog YouTube channel. This is the platform that is taking over TV for young kids and teens and turning self published video makers into full fledged super stars.
Brigette came to me with a request to go to a book tour event for her absolute, #1, favourite famous person ever in the whole universe, Lilly Singh. She wrote a book called How To Be A Bawse and included tour dates in Calgary. Great! Except Brigette mentioned it once while we were driving in the car and I couldn’t buy the tickets right away. We both forgot about it until weeks later and it was sold out.
The look on Brigette’s face when she told me that we’d missed the opportunity to see her equivalent of my New Kids On The Block was too much for me to take. The sadness, disappointment, regret. It broke my heart to see her so sad over something I could have easily done for her. I told her to check the tour dates to see if we could drive to another city close by and ta-da, Vancouver came up! We could save money by driving and staying with friends instead of flying and hotels.
There have been dozens of times that I’ve said no to my kids when they want the latest toy or a fidget spinner, or a Hatchimal, or a new pair of trendy sneakers. Despite the begging and pleading and endless negotiating. I know those things don’t matter. That toy will break and end up at the bottom of the toy box. The sneakers will get dirty and eventually grown out of, and then what. On to the next trendy thing. This moment was a chance for me to say, “yes” and give her so much more!
With our $35/each tickets in hand (which included a signed copy of Lilly’s book) we drove 11 hours over the mountains from Calgary to Vancouver to the event. Brigette’s Vancouver friend, Emma, joined us at the book tour event and we got in line with 680 other fans. As we filed into the venue, we traded our event ticket for a copy of the book and then went to take a seat. I turned around to see Emma pull the coveted GOLDEN TICKET out of the pages of her copy of How To Be A Bawse. Brigette nearly fainted!
Finding one of only 5 golden tickets meant that both Brigette and Emma were able to join the other golden ticket holders for a private, exclusive, face-to-face, meet and greet with the one and only Superwoman herself, Lilly Singh. Selfies, hugs, candy, questions and only 10 other people in the room. Not only was that moment a dream for Brigette, I felt like it was a “yes” that grew into a memory she will have forever, of the time she met her absolute, #1, favourite famous person ever in the whole universe, Lilly Singh.
I’m giving my kids memories instead of things. It’s a better return for my investment.