One Last Present
I’m officially DONE!
Sorry, please don’t hate me. But it’s so good to say it shout it from the mountain tops,
(sigh) It was tough this year. What do you get a 10 year old girl who isn’t into toys anymore? And the one thing she says she wants is to go to Hawaii. What do you get an 8 year old girl who only wants a real live DOG and because we’re in a rental house (for now) we can’t have a dog.
Then, 3 weeks before Christmas this craze started with the rainbow looms. My kids went NUTZ for it. Begging, pleading, negotiating to use their own tooth fairy money to get a loom BEFORE Christmas.
Wha? Oh come on! The ONE thing that I know they will like and they want it before Christmas. No! No! Absolutely not! NO WAY!
And then I bought 2.
Off to the store I went with their tooth fairy money in hand (as if I was going to use my money on something for them 3 weeks before the big guy comes!) to purchase 2 rainbow looms.
I have to admit that I’m loving the creativity and focus my kids put into playing with the loom. Hours and hours but of course, what the box for the $20 loom doesn’t tell you is that your kid will need direct and constant access to a computer so they can watch hours of YouTube videos to show them how to make those rubber bracelets.
HA! Jokes on me.
And then, a flash of brilliance! I handed them my brand new Nexus 7 tablet from Staples and voila. No more asking mommy, for the millionth time, if they can get on my laptop. And they get access to 10 hours of video on 1 charge, so making bracelets can go all day.
Everybody wins!
I guess the only downside is that since I let them use my tablet, I haven’t seen it again. They must have found the Play Store and put apps on it like Netflix and Family Feud. They even figured out how to type words using the swipe on the keyboard. Maybe it’s a bit too user friendly
Yeah, so, ummm, honey, if you’re reading this, you have one last present to buy, I’d like a new Nexus 7 tablet for Christmas.
K, thanks!
(The Dirty Girl was compensated by Staples for this post however the opinions are her own and so are the spelling mistakes)
Tiffany, there is a book at Costco (or should I say WAS, it is Costco after all). Hard cover, about $9, and had a huge amount of projects, all with photos on how to do them all! I bought it for my Rainbow Loom lover. She gets it for Xmas, but recently she started designing her own stuff, I think she has figured out how it works, I however cannot yet make one that all stays together.
I’d like to have a Nexus 7 too. Christmas or not. LOL
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