My Dirt
whipped shortbread

Tattoo Tuesday – In Memory Of My Mom


Done. It’s done. Finally. I’ve waited 2 years and searched across 2 countries for the right artist to do it and today, it got done. I’m still in shock. I feel like I’ve just completed a long arduous journey that ended with 3 somewhat painful hours of bliss and relief. The lovely and incredibly talented Heather McLean didn’t disappoint. You can check her out on her web site HERE and follow her on Instagram @heathermcleanartist .


Tattoo Tuesday


I love this tattoo and all that it represents. She’s been gone for 22 years, wow, that’s a lifetime, and I long for her every day.

The first time I saw this photograph of my mother (circa mid 60’s) I knew it was the image that I wanted to use to memorialize her life. Young, thoughtful, beautiful sitting in a grassy sun drenched field wearing her school sweater and her sunglasses in her wavy short hair. She is peaceful. Is she watching her friends toss a ball? Is she with her 6 other siblings on a family picnic? Is she watching the ocean waves crash on a beach in the distance? I don’t really know.

I like to think that she was happy in this picture and that is all that matters.


  1. Sarah - MoreThanYourAverageMom says:

    Wow!! That is absolutely amazing!! Phenomenal job on the ink and an amazing way to memorialize your mom!

  2. syl says:

    WOW amazing and perfect! What an incredible tribute! She was just as beautiful as you are!

  3. I love it. You are amazing.
    Kyla @ Mommy’s Weird recently posted..Daddy’s Have and Mommy’s Have…My Profile

  4. Worth the wait I’m sure. It’s amazing. Thanks for sharing this important piece of your life with us.

  5. Brooke says:

    That is a beautiful portrait. I would love to hear (or read) more about your mom.
    Brooke recently posted..Workshop CafeMy Profile

  6. Kristi says:

    That is just beautiful. What an amazing way to keep her close by 🙂
    Kristi recently posted..PerfectMy Profile

  7. That is incredible. I am sure she never would have imagined that a snapshot would be such a journey, and such a devotion by her daughter. I am sad that she left you so early. Beautiful.
    Magnolia Ripkin recently posted..Your Relationtionship with Magazines for “Women”My Profile

  8. pennie says:

    So gorgeous. Love love love it tiffany. Sad for you that your mom has been gone 22 years. What a young age to lose your mom. An age when you just may have needed her the most. Beautiful tattoo. Beautiful ladies.

  9. Kim McD says:

    Amazing tattoo, and amazing way to remember your Mom.
    Kim McD recently posted..I found my tribeMy Profile

  10. Tia says:

    Turned out so well! What a beautiful photo and a beautiful tribute. 🙂
    Tia recently posted..From Sub-Par to SuperMy Profile

  11. Mandy says:

    Amazing… love the tribute to your beautiful Mom…who knows maybe you’ll show up on the arm of one your girls one day:) I’m curious to see what the next Tattoo Tuesday will bring…. ( when you get your next 6th month itch:))

  12. That is a gorgeous photo of your mom – what a lovely tribute!
    Dani @ lifeovereasy recently posted..Beaujolais BarbequeMy Profile

  13. It looks great, love that photo too!

  14. Your tattoo turned out so great. I am all about doing research and picking the right artists. My husband just got a big piece on his upper arm and did so much looking, and looking, and looking, but it was totally worth it.
    Kelly @ A Swell Place to Dwell recently posted..Put On That Old Transistor RadioMy Profile

  15. Lisa says:

    Perfect. She will never be gone because she is wherever you are. Now and always.
    I love you.

  16. I can see why you waited for the right artist! It is beautiful!
    Karen@NourishWithKaren recently posted..Shish Kebabs for Father’s DayMy Profile

  17. Love it. And may I just say I like your outfit.
    Mama and the City recently posted..Love It’s All That MattersMy Profile

  18. What a beautiful tattoo and great memorial. You found a beautiful picture and obviously one talented artist. Thank you so much for sharing!
    Samara Bressette-Lay recently posted..Zombies & CavechildrenMy Profile

  19. I am loving this series! I have one of my dad’s handwriting on my arm. Lovely.
    One Quarter Mama (@onequartermama) recently posted..How To Get Published in The Huffington PostMy Profile

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